Mixed Marriage in Indonesia

In Indonesia, a marriage must comply with their religion. The rules about marriage separated by two religions: Muslim rule and Non-Muslim rule.

Muslim rule only regulates for Muslims, but for non-muslim, there are contains four religions, such as Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, and Budha.

Mixed marriage can be found in Article 57 of the Marriage Law, Number 1/1974:
What is meant by mixed marriage in this Act is the marriage between two people in Indonesia who are subject to different laws, due to differences in citizenship and one of the Indonesian citizens.

If marriage between Muslim to Muslim, the rule is regulated in Article 5 Compilation of Islamic Law:

(1) In order to ensure the order of marriage for the Muslim community, every marriage must be registered.
(2) The registration of the marriage in paragraph (1), is done by the Registrar of Marriages as regulated in Law No.22 of 1946 jo Law No. 32 of 1954.

It means, after marriage held in Indonesia and comply by Muslim processing, then the spousal must be registered for their marriage to the Registrar at KUA (Kantor Urusan Agama).


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