
Biaya Penarikan Uang dari Google Adsense Menggunakan Bank BCA dan BRI

Salam Pendulang Dolar agan-agan sependeritaan! hehehe Mau curhat nih sekalian berbagi INGPOH, lol, biar teman-temen tidak mengalaminya. Lengkap dengan perhitungan dan penukaran dolar Setelah Google Adesense resmi mengumumkan bahwa mulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2020 kemarin pembayaran melalui Western Union telah dihentikan dan akan permanen pada Januari 2021, maka saya mulai beralih menggunakan Wire Transfer (Transfer Kawat) yang ditransfer langsung ke Rekening di Bank. Bank yang pertama yang saya pilih adalah Bank BCA. Tanpa terlebih dahulu mencari infomasi mengenai penarikan dana melalui BCA, saya langsung mengubah metode pembayaran, mengisi SWIFT, dl... Setelah tiba di cabang terdekat, saya mencairkan dana sejumlah $113 dan total uang yang saya terima adalah Rp. 1.372.000 Kenapa bisa hanya Rp. 1.372.000 sedangkan $1 = 14 ribuan Ternyata begini perhitungannya dan ketentuan WIRE TRANSFER. Wire transfer terbagi atas Full Amount, dan Non Full Amount. Nah.... Google Adesense menggunakan Non Fu...

Not All of Divorce Lawsuit Granted by The Court; These are The Valid Reasons for Divorce

In the Indonesian law procedure code about divorce, Reconciliation is a key factor. Divorce is essentially the last effort if indeed a household cannot be maintained and it is difficult to reconcile. Based on Article 39 of the Marriage Law it is stipulated that to conduct a divorce there must be sufficient reasons, that the husband and wife (spousal) cannot live harmoniously as husband and wife. The reasons for divorce can be seen in the Elucidation of Article 39 verse (2) of the Marriage Law and Article 19 of Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 concerning the Implementation of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage ("PP 9/1975 "), Which reads: The reasons for divorce can be seen in the Elucidation of Article 39 verse (2) of the Marriage Law and Article 19 of Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 concerning the Implementation of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage ("PP 9/1975 "), Which reads: Divorce can occur for the following reasons or reasons: One of ...

The Distribution of Child Custody on Muslim Divorce

If we look at Islamic law, we can refer to the Islamic Law Compilation ("KHI"). In Article 105 KHI, in the event of a divorce, the care of children who are not yet mumayyiz or not yet 12 years old is the right of the mother , while the care of children who are mumayyiz is completely the right of the child to choose between the father or mother as the holder of the right to care. Regarding the provisions of Article 105 KHI, there are exceptions, namely: If it is proven that the mother has apostatized and embraced a religion other than Islam , then the mother's right to care for the child will be annulled. This is following the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No .: 210 / K / AG / 1996, which contains a legal abstraction that religion is a requirement to determine whether a mother's right to care and care ( hadhanah ) for her child is not yet mumayyiz . This is also supported by the opinion of the Ulama in the Kifayatul Ahyar Book, Juz II,...

Is It Possible for Foreign Worker as a Director on PT?

Some people asked about foreign workers as a Director on local PT (PT PMDN).  And the answer is YES! Even though foreign workers have the opportunity to hold positions of directors in companies, it turns out that not all directorships can be held by foreign workers! As stated in Law Number 13 the Year 2003 concerning Manpower (“Law 13/2003”), positions that are prohibited for foreign workers are only positions related to personnel and certain positions that are further regulated in a Ministerial Decree . In this case, it means that foreign workers are also unable to hold the position of Director of Personnel. In principle, foreign workers are prohibited from occupying the position of commissioner in a PT whose capital is wholly owned by Indonesian citizens and/or Indonesian legal entities (or commonly known as PT PMDN), as regulated in Article 4A of the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 35 of 2015 concerning Amendments to the Minister of Manpower Regulation No.16 of 2015 concerni...

Mixed Marriage in Indonesia

In Indonesia, a marriage must comply with their religion. The rules about marriage separated by two religions: Muslim rule and Non-Muslim rule. Muslim rule only regulates for Muslims, but for non-muslim, there are contains four religions, such as Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, and Budha. Mixed marriage can be found in Article 57 of the Marriage Law, Number 1/1974: What is meant by mixed marriage in this Act is the marriage between two people in Indonesia who are subject to different laws, due to differences in citizenship and one of the Indonesian citizens. If marriage between Muslim to Muslim, the rule is regulated in Article 5 Compilation of Islamic Law: (1) In order to ensure the order of marriage for the Muslim community, every marriage must be registered . (2) The registration of the marriage in paragraph (1), is done by the Registrar of Marriages as regulated in Law No.22 of 1946 jo Law No. 32 of 1954. It means, after marriage held in Indonesia and comply by Muslim processing, the...